FDF Text Extractor
Annotations made in PDFs can be exported as FDF files, but FDFs are full of junk formatting and are not directly usable. This tool pulls text annotations from FDFs and presents them as plain text for use in other programs.
Download FDF Text Extractor (Windows)
Also consider using the companion program
PDF Note Automator (Windows)
The lack of standardisation for the FDF format has made this software really difficult to maintain.
Instead, I now use Zotero together with the ZotFile plugin. ZotFile can pull highlighted text directly from a PDF (no save-to-FDF step needed) and save it into notes that live with the parent item in Zotero.
Annotations made in PDFs can be exported as .FDF files, but .FDFs are full of junk formatting and are not directly usable. This tool pulls text annotations from .FDFs and presents them as plain text for use in other programs.
The Extractor also does some niceties to the output such as collapsing line breaks, capitalising the beginning of annotations, and replacing HTML entities with their plain text equivalents, and converting HTML text formatting into Markdown text formatting.
There are two ways to use this extractor:
"FDF Note Extractor.exe" $1
in a batch file.
The converted .TXT files are placed in the same directories as the original .FDF files.Download FDF Text Extractor (Windows).