Ringing Part 7: The story so far
Nothing works :<
I’m now focusing on what I think is the source of the ringing, which is the vibration of my build platform caused by the bearings and maybe the stepper motor of the Y axis. I bought a vibration analysis app from the App Store and have begun using it to measure the vibration on the bed by laying the phone face-up on it and performing some full-length moves along X and Y at 3000 accel/10 jerk. Here’s how it looks currently:
I think this is the ringing I’ve observed. As the X axis moves, you can see that the bed is vibrating; it’s going back and forth along Y, and up and down along Z (remember that the phone is face-up on the build platform). The fact that Y is moving back and forth would explain why I still get some ringing on X movements, although not as much as I get with Y or XY movements.
Ah the Y axis. It’s making the bed rattle quite violently. The actual vibration is difficult to see with the eye, but can be felt with the hand. It shakes along X, which explains the more visible ringing, and it also shakes up and down more violently.
Like I said, the bearings and the stepper motor.
People sell after-market Y carriage plates to deal with the fact that the spring tension from improper bed levelling can actually pull the carriage plate up at the corners. These plates are sometimes heavier, and a heavier plate would dampen vibrations quite nicely.
Maybe I can do an experiment where I just add weights to the one I have now, see if it’s worth anything? Good excuse for buying some fishing weights from Kmart…