Capslock Numpad Emulate a numeric keypad on a Windows computer that doesn't have one. (I wrote this on 2019 Jan 05. )
Pomodoro Technique egg timer MP3s I like using an egg timer for time management but I don't want to disturb others with its ticking, so I made MP3 tracks of an egg timer. (I wrote this on 2016 Feb 17. I last modified it on 2016 Feb 15.)
Universal WASD controls for top-down RPGs Move your character using WASD in games like Titan Quest and Torchlight instead of clicking all the time, because I get really sick of clicking. (I wrote this on 2010 Oct 29. I last modified it on 2017 Oct 29.)
Do Per Line Perform mouse/keyboard actions with every line of text in the clipboard. (I wrote this on 2015 Aug 26. )
VLC Pause-Play Pause and play VLC Media Player from inside any other application. (I wrote this on 2022 Dec 08. )
PDF Note Automator Use one keypress in Adobe Reader to create and pre-fill Note annotations with the highlighted text, making it possible to extract your highlights from exported FDF data files. (I wrote this on 2007 May 12. I last modified it on 2020 Aug 14.)
FDF Text Extractor Annotations made in PDFs can be exported as FDF files, but FDFs are full of junk formatting and are not directly usable. This tool pulls text annotations from FDFs and presents them as plain text for use in other programs. (I wrote this on 2013 Nov 28. I last modified it on 2020 Aug 14.)
Dana Plaintext Suite: Streamlining the AlphaSmart Dana's plain-text workflow on Windows In this article I outline my improvements to plaintext workflow with the AlphaSmart Dana. Previously, importing .TXT files to the Dana and exporting Dana's .PDB files as .TXTs was a slow process requiring several manual operations. I have produced a software suite that a) reduces it to a single drag-and-drop operation, and b) allows batch processing of many files at once. (I wrote this on 2013 Jul 04. )
Scratchpad, the rapid note-taking tool Scratchpad is a quick-and-dirty note-taking tool with a minimum of frills, meant to show up when you need it and get out of the way when you dont. (I wrote this on 2012 Dec 27. )
AlphaSmart Special Character Converter This script detects special character keystrokes that are performed (presumably while an AlphaSmart is dumping text using the Send function) and outputs the correct special character in its place. (I wrote this on 2012 Jun 05. )
MouseKeeper Locks your cursor within a horizontal resolution of your choosing. Handy for full-screen games that don't capture the cursor. (I wrote this on 2012 Apr 26. )
TextWrapper Imagine you have a lot of blocks of text that need to be wrapped in quotes or brackets or something, way too many to do by hand without developing RSI. TextWrapper lets you wrap a highlighted block of text with a prefix and suffix string in one keystroke. (I wrote this on 2012 Dec 27. )
Skyrim One-Key Dual Cast Allows you to activate both hands by pressing only one button in Skyrim. (I wrote this on 2011 Nov 19. )
Better Binds for Red Orchestra 2 An Autohotkey script for Red Orchestra 2 that adds hold-to activate binds for crouching, proning, and aiming like you'd find in other games. Also adds spot-while-firing. (I wrote this on 2011 Sep 23. )
ScreenCap: Portable Screenshot Saver A tiny, portable program that captures the contents of your computer screen with one keypress, and saves it in lossless PNG format. Stick it on a flash drive and off you go! (I wrote this on 2011 May 31. )
Instant Text Automator The Instant Text Automator lets you quickly write and use macros based on Autohotkey's Send function. (I wrote this on 2013 Jul 17. )
BFBC2 - TeamChat Use the number pad to instantly send chat messages in BFBC2 about enemy positions and states on either the Squad or Team channels. (I wrote this on 2011 Jan 26. )
Spot While Firing in BFBC2 An Autohotkey script that automatically Spots an enemy as you fire at him in BFBC2 and BFBC2 Vietnam. (I wrote this on 2011 Jan 05. )
DeathSpank Auto-Clicker This script makes the Left-Mouse and Right-Mouse autofire when playing DeathSpank or its sequel. (I wrote this on 2010 Dec 02. )
Mr Window Manager Makes dealing with multiple windows easy by allowing you to assign a window to a Numpad key, and then automatically minimise/restore the window by pressing that key. (I wrote this on 2010 Nov 04. )
Mouse-Only Controls for Top-Down RPGs Creates extra key maps that make it easier and less RSI-inducing to play action RPGs like Torchlight, Titan Quest and Diablo. (I wrote this on 2010 Oct 31. )
Minecraft Key Remaps An Autohotkey script that creates extra, more comfortable keybinds for use in the ridiculously fun indie game Minecraft. (I wrote this on 2013 Jul 21. )
Random Noun Generator The biggest word generator on the internet. Picks up to ten words from a list of more than 2,200 common nouns. Useful as a brainstorming tool for writing and problem-solving. (I wrote this on 2022 Dec 08. )
SimTypewriter - Typewriter Simulator SimTypewriter is a pared-down online and portable text editor for writers, meant to replicate the text input style of a typewriter to help you become more productive. (I wrote this on 2009 Mar 14. )
Carpet Bombing Extended A mod for Vanilla Supreme Commander that allows all Tier 1 and Tier 2 bombers to carpet bomb enemy units and structures by ordering them to fly over it. (I wrote this on 2009 Mar 01. )
Ligature auto-linking wiki Ligature is adaptable wiki software that automatically creates links between articles based on the nouns and other words that appear within them. Use it as a wiki, or as story-telling software, or whatever. (I wrote this on 2009 Jan 17. )
The Great Noun List A list of frequently-used common nouns in the English language, delivered in a plain .txt format. (I wrote this on 2013 Jan 26. I last modified it on 2019 Feb 10.)
Keyword-based blacklisting Mainstream anti-spam technology is not future-proof to any degree — spammers change domains and servers too often to keep up. I believe keyword-based blacklisting is the best approach to spam protection, and I'll explain why (and how). (I wrote this on 1970 Jan 01. ) compact manuscripts is a quick and secure way of serving up template-based documents — especially manuals and other documentation — in as small a format as possible by using templates and storing content in separate .txt files. (I wrote this on 1970 Jan 01. )
The Verbosifier shoutbox/tagboard (discontinued) The Verbosifier is shoutbox/tagboard software with unprecendented anti-spam measures and oodles of customisability. (I wrote this on 2013 Apr 20. )
‘The Punctuator' Text Inserter The Punctuator allows users to insert special punctuation marks and common text formatting tags at the click of a button. It comes bundled with my blogging/article publishing software, Writer's Block. (I wrote this on 1970 Jan 01. )
Writer's Block CMS (discontinued) A multi-user Content Management System with blogging, article writing, multiple categorising and the ability to give items their own text URL instead of being forced to use an ID number. It's running this site right now, in fact. (I wrote this on 2005 Feb 22. I last modified it on 2015 Apr 02.)
The Writer's Block Dev Diary (archived) This is the development diary of my now-discontinued CMS, 'Writer's Block'. These posts were collapsed into this single page for permanent archiving, and are ordered from oldest to newest. (I wrote this on 2005 Nov 15. I last modified it on 2009 May 15.)
The Ligature Dev Diary (archived) This is the development diary of my now-discontinued auto-linking wiki software, 'Ligature'. These posts were collapsed into this single page for permanent archiving, and are ordered from oldest to newest. (I wrote this on 2009 May 15. )